Tag Archives: Holby City

We don’t think so

We’re not very happy with Holby City this week.

First of all, are we really expected to believe that cute young Ben would be torn between The Ugly One Who Used To Be In Corrie and The Even Uglier One Who Used To Be In Corrie? He should ditch them both and go out with someone more suitable.

Secondly, it’s looking likely that superbitch Chrissie is about to get her comeuppance for that whole shagging around behind her husband’s back thing. We don’t believe in comeuppance, especially where our beloved Chrissie is concerned.

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The Saviour of TV

If we had our way, multiple Heather Locklears would star in every programme on TV.

Her ability to save ailing shows with her very presence is legendary (Melrose Place, Spin City and even Scrubs, which was already a big hit, have all benefited from her majestic presence).

The good news is that she’s finally been given a show that’s hers from day one. She’s set to star in a new sitcom called Once Around the Park, in which she will play a divorced mother whose offspring are engaged in weekly machinations to prevent their parents reuniting.

While lowculture is glad that she’s going to be back on the box, we can’t help but feel sad that she will no longer be free to pop across to the UK to save some of our more tired shows. We would pay good money to see her as a scheming sister in Holby City, Phil Mitchell’s love interest in EastEnders or, best of all, a Footballer’s Wife.

2013 UPDATE: This show was never heard of again. I think I might have just made it up.

Hold the Holby

We would love to tell you what we think about last night’s Holby City. But, as Lowculture Towers is located in Scotland, we can’t, because our tartan version of the BBC thinks we should watch it on a Wednesday night, a whole 24 hours after the rest of the nation. Frankly, we’re breathless with anticipation.

This delay allows us to enjoy the dubious charms of River City, Scotland’s very own soap.

It’s the everyday story of the residents of Montego Street in Shieldinch, a fictional Glasgow suburb. As it’s set in Scotland, it features lots of people with ginger hair (they put Irn Bru in our water, you see), and also stars her out of Deacon Blue as the heroin-addict prodigal daughter of the main family.

It’s actually not quite as bad as it sounds, but nothing and no-one can come between us and our weekly appointment with Sister Kath, so we hate it. Official.

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Things we love today

» Sister Chrissie Williams, Holby City’s very own slutty satsuma.
» Justin Timberlake causing a near-riot on CD:UK.
» Striker in The Sun getting his legs bitten off by a shark. Ouch!

2013 UPDATE: This was the first thing I ever published on lowculture. Looking back, I wish I’d done something a bit less rubbish. Oh well.

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