Tag Archives: Crossroads

The Lowculture Laws of Soap

Our mad messageboard crowd have been listing the laws of soap. This is what they came up with:

1) No matter how poor you claim to be, you will still be able to go to the pub every night and get a round in.

2) All sex will end in simultaneous orgasm, and no one will ever compalin about Mr Droopy or period pains.

3) Your partner will shag your best friend within six weeks of their arrival.

4) All divorced people will sleep with their ex – normally the day before they marry someone else.

5) Weddings will never got to plan.

6) Births can only be on Christmas day or whenever someone else dies nearby.

7) When you get divorced, instead of starting a new life you will move to a dingy flat 50 yards away.

8) All members of the opposite sex must fancy the show’s star no matter how ugly the star is (see Phil Mitchell or Bet Lynch or Bev)

9) Babies must fall ill and be rushed to hospital at some point during their first three months of life.

10) All children under 12 will spend 90% of the time in the bedroom or eating beans and chips.

11) No one will ever cook breakfast.

12) People just standing around in the background of pubs do not obey any known laws of pub standing around.

13) As soon as children reach the age of 13 they mutate into a much older actor and develop a sociopathic disorder.

14) If a married woman has an affair, the cuckolded husband immediately becomes best friends with the bloke she’s sleeping with, and has always been best friends with him, regardless of all evidence to the contrary.

15) It never rains… but it pours.

16) No-one watches soap operas.

17) People can easily be placed into boxes marked “Good”, or “Bad”

18) All situations resolve themselves within a month.

19) If in doubt, give one of the characters amnesia.

20) There will be only one well-known, but usually quite small, venue that will be used for all events – weddings, christenings, birthdays, bar mitzvahs… etc.

21) Normal acoustics do not apply. People can talk normally in crowded nightclubs. Also, people can hear softly spoken conversations from across the room despite lots of people talking and the radio being on.

Neighbours-only rules:

22) When something dramatic has happened, the music fades up at the end of the scene while there is a close up on the affected party – which lingers far longer than any normal person would hold the same expression for.

23) If someone doesn’t live in Ramsey Street they are instantly EVIL. However, this fades depending on how long they spend on the show.

24) The more comfortable and open a gay character is about their sexuality, the less attractive they willll be (eg Lance in Brookside, Derek in EastEnders and Vince in Crossroads). This also explains why Nick from Hollyoaks becomes less appealing with each passing episode.

25) If you know a very private secret about someone, you will reveal it at the top of your voice in the Vic.

26) Hardly anyone goes to university, and if they do, it’s always a local one. This excludes Hollyoaks, which has a reasonably high student population, all of whom seem to live in nicer accommodation, wear nicer clothes, and generally spend more money on having exciting adventures, like being murdered, than real students.

27) Dogs never die of natural causes. They will always be run over.

28) Any pets or children can be passed on to new owners at any time.

29) People never buy alcohol from an off-license – it comes from the local pub.

30) Everyone listens to the same radio station.

31) The local paper always looks like something a infant school kid knocked up in a very poor word processing package.

32) You can blag your way into any job – from supermarket trolley man to solicitor.

40) The only music teenagers ever play loudly will be heavy rock with no lyrics.

41) If you develop a severe mental illness, eating disorder or pathology such as self harm, all symptoms will miraculously cease a fortnight after this fact is discovered. Unless you go to a clinic, where you will have no therapy but make a new best friend or fall in love with the one person who sees through all the bullshit.

And one of our own:

42) If you ever hug someone, you must always pull a face over their shoulder to indicate your secret displeasure.

Hubble bubble

It’s the end of another eventful week in Crossroads.

Dave, TV’s most unlikely adulterer, is still knocking off Tracey behind Oona’s back. We hope that, when his infidelity is exposed, Oona uses the Friday night karaoke as a forum to damn the deceitful pair, in song.

Meanwhile, Betty is concocting a love potion, which looks like something the McWitch would have produced in Rentaghost, coming as it does in a comedy cauldron that belches green smoke.

Elsewhere, Rocky’s evil twin has arrived, played by the same actor in an ill-fitting wig, Angel has been shagging the handyman in the basement, and barmy Beena has built a shrine to Ryan in her bedroom.

This stuff is pure dynamite, and how they can even think of taking it off is a mystery to us.

Incidentally, our obsession with Kate’s shot in the opening credits has taken a sinister turn. We realised yesterday that when she does her big toothy grin, we can’t help smiling along with her. We’re thinking of buying a clipboard and a nice burgundy trouser suit for extra authenticity. Say a prayer or something.

<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/tcM61jke214″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Say it ain’t so!

Sadly, the rumours are true. Crossroads is fucked.

Fan site Planet Crossroads has posted this statement from producers Carlton TV:

“Crossroad returned in March 2001 and has run for nearly two years. Unfortunately, despite working with ITV to develop a new, distinctive style for the show, viewers have not warmed to Crossroads in sufficient numbers. ITV has taken the decision to end transmission in the summer.

“It is disappointing to all those people who have worked and been involved with the show and, of course, those who have become fans of the new Crossroads.”

thecustard reports that producer Yvon Grace informed the cast and crew of the decision on Friday night. Production ends in three weeks’ time, leaving enough episodes to run for another couple of months.

Life without Jane Gurnett’s grinning mug leering at us at 5pm each day from inside a big gold heart scarcely bears thinking about, but we will go on, somehow. In the meantime, lowculture’s logo will be black for a suitable mourning period.

• How do you think Crossroads should end? Suggestions, please – click on the comment link below (if it’s even there – SquawkBox are having server problems that are outwith our control)

It’s like a sickness, really

Crossroads. It’s got supremely bad acting, tacky sets and some of the worst storylines ever broadcast on television.

In fact, we can’t think of any reason why anyone would want to watch it at all.

Hasn’t stopped us tuning in to every single episode, though.

Jane Asher is superb as Generic Bitch (we love how she always kisses the old-fashioned way), and we can’t help but want to do bad things to Ryan and Jimmy, despite them being the worst sex symbols in the history of soap opera.

It’s poor Jane Gurnett we feel sorry for, though. The pain of her involvement in the whole enterprise seems to be etched on her face throughout every second she is on screen as Kate.

2013 UPDATE: I subsequently met Jane Gurnett at the Mamma Mia 10th anniversary party. I had drunk three pints of wine and she couldn’t get away from me quickly enough.

Welcome to Crossroads

In the 80s, you knew a low-rent celeb’s career was over when they were reduced to appearing as a panelist on You Bet.

Now, we have a daily barometer of the fickle tastes of the nation – Crossroads (ITV1, 5pm).

After the triumph that was Emma Noble’s turn as a slutty gold-digger in the opening week, viewers last week were treated to former Coronation Street ‘star’ Scott Wright as some bloke who was trying to pass off his child as a boy, even though she was quite clearly a girl. Lionel Blair, Tim Brooke Taylor, Kate O’Mara and Linda Robson are also lined up to join in the fun.

But the best is yet to come – Dean Gaffney’s agent is confident that a one-week guest spot will be just the thing to launch his post-EastEnders career.

Who wants to put a fiver on Tracy Shaw checking in by the end of the year?

<iframe width=”640″ height=”480″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/NGBjMFpDP-o” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>