Tag Archives: EastEnders

The Butch[er][s] is[/are] back

FRANK! EastEnders, BBC One, Mon & Fri 8.00pm, Tue & Thu 7.30pm

Exciting and solemn (mainly exciting) times in EastEnders this week, as the soap pays a very special tribute to the late Mike Reid with four episodes centred around the funeral of Frank Butcher. Pat and Peggy’s health spa / civil partnership witnessing break is interrupted by the arrival of Ricky and Diane (DIANE!) with some grave news about their mutual ex-husband, and over the course of the week the Square’s residents (the few who’ve been in it for longer than two years, anyway) pay their respects in true East End style. There may be piano playing. There could be arguments. It’s going to be quite a week.

Of course, it’s not Frank’s first funeral, and the biggest tragedy of all is that with the magnificent Mike Reid officially dead in real actual life, there’s no chance of Frank popping out of the coffin mid-service in one of those moments of supreme good taste with which he was always so closely associated (see Fig. 1). So now the REAL thrill is the return of three of Frank’s offspring (advance reports make no mention of Clare ‘occasional table’ Butcher, the Belinda Slater of the family, but we live in hope), with Sophie Lawrence briefly reappearing as Diane (DIANE!) after her last brief reappearance 11 years ago, Charlie Brooks temporarily dragging Janine out of cold storage for the first time since 2004, and serial returnee Sid Owen returning PERMANENTLY (or at least until the lure of To Buy Or Not To Buy and I’m A Celebrity becomes too great) as Ricky, conveniently at exactly the same time as Patsy Palmer makes a similarly permanent return as Bianca ‘the former Mrs Ricky Butcher’ Jackson, now with added kids, added not a very good singing voice and apparently no money.

So what’s everyone been up to in their absence? Well, Bianca’s been collecting kids and failing to have any money (see above), while Ricky’s bafflingly been doing rather well for himself money-wise, and has landed a gold-digging girlfriend in the shape of Siobhan ‘not former-EastEnder Daniela Denby-Ashe’ Hayes from My Family. Janine’s been hard at work competing with Leanne Battersby in the perpetual ex-cocaine addict, ex-prostitute, money-grabbing bitch parallel life stakes, and appears to be back mainly for the reading of the will (presumably hoping for some cash to cover the cost of the petrol she’s presumably planning to buy for the small Italian restaurant she’s presumably been running for about a year – looks like Leanne’s about to pip you to the post on that one, Janine!), while Diane (DIANE!) has taken responsibility for her son (the frequently offloaded Jacques), is training to be a doctor and has already trained to be a lesbian, evidently hoping to minimise the risk of accidentally falling into bed with Ian Beale or Phil Mitchell during her slight return to Albert Square.

Naturally, the return of Sophie Lawrence is the most exciting part of all this for us, with the early-90s episode where Frank found Diane (DIANE!) living in Paris being our earliest memory of that peculiarly EastEnders thing of having someone only appear right at the very end of an episode and then putting them at the top of the cast list in the end credits, adding SIGNIFICANCE and INTRIGUE and EXCITEMENT to their appearance.

Elsewhere, Pat and Peggy obviously use the funeral as an excuse for another punch-up, selfish Chelsea goes in search of her apparently-selfish father to erroneously claim some bone marrow or bum some cash for a dress or something, and Honey probably does the whole death-related malapropism thing quite a lot (to death, in fact). Ricky, Diane (DIANE!), Janine: please accept our sincerest condonances.

The Lowculture Laws of Soap

Our mad messageboard crowd have been listing the laws of soap. This is what they came up with:

1) No matter how poor you claim to be, you will still be able to go to the pub every night and get a round in.

2) All sex will end in simultaneous orgasm, and no one will ever compalin about Mr Droopy or period pains.

3) Your partner will shag your best friend within six weeks of their arrival.

4) All divorced people will sleep with their ex – normally the day before they marry someone else.

5) Weddings will never got to plan.

6) Births can only be on Christmas day or whenever someone else dies nearby.

7) When you get divorced, instead of starting a new life you will move to a dingy flat 50 yards away.

8) All members of the opposite sex must fancy the show’s star no matter how ugly the star is (see Phil Mitchell or Bet Lynch or Bev)

9) Babies must fall ill and be rushed to hospital at some point during their first three months of life.

10) All children under 12 will spend 90% of the time in the bedroom or eating beans and chips.

11) No one will ever cook breakfast.

12) People just standing around in the background of pubs do not obey any known laws of pub standing around.

13) As soon as children reach the age of 13 they mutate into a much older actor and develop a sociopathic disorder.

14) If a married woman has an affair, the cuckolded husband immediately becomes best friends with the bloke she’s sleeping with, and has always been best friends with him, regardless of all evidence to the contrary.

15) It never rains… but it pours.

16) No-one watches soap operas.

17) People can easily be placed into boxes marked “Good”, or “Bad”

18) All situations resolve themselves within a month.

19) If in doubt, give one of the characters amnesia.

20) There will be only one well-known, but usually quite small, venue that will be used for all events – weddings, christenings, birthdays, bar mitzvahs… etc.

21) Normal acoustics do not apply. People can talk normally in crowded nightclubs. Also, people can hear softly spoken conversations from across the room despite lots of people talking and the radio being on.

Neighbours-only rules:

22) When something dramatic has happened, the music fades up at the end of the scene while there is a close up on the affected party – which lingers far longer than any normal person would hold the same expression for.

23) If someone doesn’t live in Ramsey Street they are instantly EVIL. However, this fades depending on how long they spend on the show.

24) The more comfortable and open a gay character is about their sexuality, the less attractive they willll be (eg Lance in Brookside, Derek in EastEnders and Vince in Crossroads). This also explains why Nick from Hollyoaks becomes less appealing with each passing episode.

25) If you know a very private secret about someone, you will reveal it at the top of your voice in the Vic.

26) Hardly anyone goes to university, and if they do, it’s always a local one. This excludes Hollyoaks, which has a reasonably high student population, all of whom seem to live in nicer accommodation, wear nicer clothes, and generally spend more money on having exciting adventures, like being murdered, than real students.

27) Dogs never die of natural causes. They will always be run over.

28) Any pets or children can be passed on to new owners at any time.

29) People never buy alcohol from an off-license – it comes from the local pub.

30) Everyone listens to the same radio station.

31) The local paper always looks like something a infant school kid knocked up in a very poor word processing package.

32) You can blag your way into any job – from supermarket trolley man to solicitor.

40) The only music teenagers ever play loudly will be heavy rock with no lyrics.

41) If you develop a severe mental illness, eating disorder or pathology such as self harm, all symptoms will miraculously cease a fortnight after this fact is discovered. Unless you go to a clinic, where you will have no therapy but make a new best friend or fall in love with the one person who sees through all the bullshit.

And one of our own:

42) If you ever hug someone, you must always pull a face over their shoulder to indicate your secret displeasure.

10 thoughts on the return of Dirty Den to EastEnders

1. This could be really good.

2. On the other hand, it could also be really bad.

3. OK, we didn’t ever see a body, but …

4. Didn’t they later fish one out of the river? Which Sharon identified?

5. Mind you, if we remember correctly, she could only identify him by a ring he was wearing, so it could have been anyone.

6. Well, possibly not anyone, but you know what we mean.

7. The guy who plays the ‘new’ Den Jr must be feeling a bit insecure today – after all, they are hardly likely to need two.

8. There is every likelihood that an episode of EastEnders will end with a scene set at night with a shadowy figure stepping out into the path of Sharon Watts and saying ‘Hello, princess.’

9. The producers of EastEnders will now be kicking themselves for killing Angie off last year.

10. Roll on September.

2013 UPDATE: It was quite bad. But Sharon was very good.

<iframe width=”853″ height=”480″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/2aipV-TwEjA” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Girls aloud!

Amazing things about April 11

» Hoorah! It’s Whigfield’s 33rd birthday. Head for a provincial gay nightclub this weekend and do the Saturday Night dance in her honour. Sharing her big day is Jill Gascoine, from CATS Eyes and The Gentle Touch (66) and Delroy from Five Star (33).

» EastEnders began its slide into creative oblivion with the addition of a third weekly episode in 1994. As with all notable episodes of the show, it featured Frank Butcher either leaving or coming back, but we forget which it was now.

» This time three years ago, Westlife were comfortably perched atop the charts with Fool Again. Will they ever get there again?

» A year ago, Jonathan Wilkes (he’s Robbie’s best mate, you know) revealed that Robbie was looking for a serious girlfriend and would love to have someone to come home to every night. Someone who wasn’t Jonathan Wilkes, presumably (he was Robbie’s flatmate, you know).

<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/rTI8s0H31ys” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

The Saviour of TV

If we had our way, multiple Heather Locklears would star in every programme on TV.

Her ability to save ailing shows with her very presence is legendary (Melrose Place, Spin City and even Scrubs, which was already a big hit, have all benefited from her majestic presence).

The good news is that she’s finally been given a show that’s hers from day one. She’s set to star in a new sitcom called Once Around the Park, in which she will play a divorced mother whose offspring are engaged in weekly machinations to prevent their parents reuniting.

While lowculture is glad that she’s going to be back on the box, we can’t help but feel sad that she will no longer be free to pop across to the UK to save some of our more tired shows. We would pay good money to see her as a scheming sister in Holby City, Phil Mitchell’s love interest in EastEnders or, best of all, a Footballer’s Wife.

2013 UPDATE: This show was never heard of again. I think I might have just made it up.